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Luca Noris

Film maker

Born under the sun sign of Pisces, Luca is a 4 dan Taekwondo master, author and director of the Xtractor Around the World docu-reality and a professional film maker since 1996. A SONY Independent Certified Expert since 2008, in 2018 he was designated Ambassador of Fujifilm and Fujinon Optical Lenses MK.

He has directed several national and international sporting events for Rai Sport, Rai 2 and Sky Sport. Some of the main productions he was involved in: Director,Per tutti Padre”, a documentary film shot in Rwanda  based on the life of Father Hermann Schulz and the mission he operated during the dramatic Rwandan genocide. Filming and post-production of the documentary “A casa Turandot”, musical backstage of the international operatic event “Turandot” conducted by Janos Acs, staged to mark the 60th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party and directed by master Chinese film maker Zhang Yimou. Director of KitchenAid’s spot aired on MasterChef Italia.

But what fear? This word does not exist in my vocabulary unless it is a printing error.

Citazione d:i Antonio Griffo Focas Flavio Angelo Ducas Comneno Porfirogenito Gagliardi De Curtis di Bisanzio Gagliardi Focas di Tertiveri, in arte Totò